LASIK Technology
The best results from LASIK surgery typically depend on a combination of two things: a skilled and experienced laser eye surgeon as well as the most advanced technology available. Fortunately, the team at Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute is composed of some of the nation’s most talented and well-known ophthalmologists who have actually had leading roles in the development of many of the most state-of-the-art vision correction techniques in use today.
The following will give you some information about just a few of the technologies we utilize to provide our patients with the most effective, comfortable treatment possible for laser vision correction. If you have questions, we invite you to contact us. We will be happy to talk more with you about our treatment options.

All-Laser LASIK
At Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute, we only provide the gold standard in LASIK because we want the best and most innovative treatment for our patients. All-Laser LASIK is one of the most advanced breakthroughs in laser vision correction and refractive surgery history! This technique does not require the use of mechanical incisions or a microkeratome (surgical blade), making the All-Laser LASIK procedure much less invasive and incredibly precise.
While our experienced eye doctors feel that traditional LASIK techniques can be effective procedures that have helped patients all over the world reduce dependence on corrective eyewear, they feel that All-Laser LASIK provides patients a less invasive laser vision correction experience along with a significant level of precision and accuracy. This is why Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute has only offered All-Laser LASIK since 2003.
Contoura™ Vision – Topography-Guided Laser Vision Correction
Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute was one of the very first practices in the United States to bring patients the revolutionary new Contoura Vision – Topography-Guided Laser Vision Correction technique. This state-of-the-art laser platform works in tandem with our other advanced LASIK technologies to provide an even better quality of vision for patients with nearsightedness and astigmatism. We participated in the clinical trials that lead up to FDA approval of Topography-Guided Laser Vision Correction, and we are very excited to offer patients a technique that saw 90% of individuals in the
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Allegretto Wave Eye-Q Addendum Procedure Manual T-CAT Topography-Guided Treatments
FDA Clinical Trials
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clinical study
see as well or better than they did through eyeglasses.
Learn more about ContouraTM Vision – Topography-Guided Laser Vision Correction.

WaveLight® Refractive Suite
The WaveLight Refractive Suite is a combined platform of laser technology that is superior to older types of LASIK technology thanks to its advanced precision and accuracy.
WaveLight® FS200 Femtosecond Laser
During the first step of LASIK, our ophthalmologists employ the state-of-the-art WaveLight® FS200 Femtosecond Laser to create a corneal flap, instead of the traditional surgical blade. This is the world’s fastest method of flap creation, completed in only about 6.0 seconds, and is also
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WaveLight Refractive Suite information for surgeons
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exceedingly precise.
WaveLight®EX500 Excimer Laser
The WaveLight EX500 excimer laser is used by our ophthalmologists to reshape the cornea, correcting the patient’s refractive errors during laser vision correction surgery. This is the only laser that operates at 500Hz, and makes it possible for surgeons to employ Wavefront optimized technology to create a fully customized LASIK outcome for each patient. The WaveLight EX500 employs multidimensional eye tracking technology, which makes it possible for our surgeons to track the most minute eye movements during LASIK surgery, creating the
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WaveLight Refractive Suite information for surgeons
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most precise
LASIK experience possible.
Wavefront Guided Custom LASIK
Laser Refractive Surgery (LASIK, PRK, LASEK) has successfully corrected the vision of millions of people. An estimated 98% of conventional laser vision correction patients now see
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Modern laser in situ keratomileusis outcomes
Sandoval HP, Donnenfeld ED, Kohnen T, Lindstrom RL, Potvin R, Tremblay DM, Solomon KD
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20/20 to 20/40 without glasses.
However, traditional LASIK can only address the visual distortions (aberrations) that account for about 85-90% of the quality of vision. Recently, refractive surgeons have learned that there are additional optical imperfections in the eye that affect vision and can account for such symptoms as glare, halos around lights, ghost images or poor quality of vision. These so-called higher-order aberrations can now be detected with an instrument called a Wavefront analyzer, also known as an aberrometer. As shown in clinical studies, this precise level of measurement and correction improves the potential to achieve
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Wavefront-LASIK (Custom LASIK)
Stanford Medicine
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20/20 vision or better.
Until recently surgeons measured the prescription for laser vision correction using exactly the same techniques that are used to prescribe eyeglasses and contact lenses. The laser treated identical prescriptions exactly the same for all eyes. Today, Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute offers the newest technology to direct our lasers to provide a custom surgical procedure specifically designed for the individual eye. It not only corrects the error(s) from the eyeglass prescription, but also corrects the higher-order aberrations that can lead to the other 10% to 15% of visual distortions affecting your quality of vision. We call it All Laser High-Definition Vision™ and for many patients it can deliver even better results than current conventional treatment used by most eye surgeons.
Each of our lasers are capable of customized laser treatment. The first step is to generate a wavefront map by passing a narrow ray of invisible infrared light through the eye. The goal is to measure distortions in the eye’s entire optical system. The wavefront information is then downloaded to a floppy disk and transferred directly to the laser. At Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute we have the unique ability to select the laser that has the potential to provide the best results for our patients.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is all-laser LASIK safe?
The risks associated with All-Laser LASIK treatment are the same as those with any form of laser vision correction. The ability to control higher-order aberrations and to reduce or eliminate any potential increase in these distortions makes customized laser vision correction a particularly desirable procedure. The improved software programs for custom, all-laser vision correction procedures have improved upon the excellent visual results that are currently obtained with conventional laser vision correction.
What are the benefits of all-laser LASIK compared to traditional LASIK?
At Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute, we only perform all-laser LASIK because of the many benefits it offers to our patients, including
Trusted Source Blade vs. Laser: Is There a Difference in Outcomes? Tanzer D. Review of Ophthalmology Go to Source Better quality of vision
Trusted Source Femtosecond laser versus mechanical keratome flaps in wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis: prospective contralateral eye study Durrie, DS, Kezirian GM. Go to Source Enhanced precision
Trusted Source Creating LASIK Flaps: Femtosecond Laser vs. Mechanical Microkeratome. American Academy of Ophthalmology Go to Source Fewer complications with the corneal flap
- A faster procedure with faster recovery
- Decreased patient discomfort and anxiety
Contact Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute
For more information our advanced technologies and vision correction techniques, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.
The doctors at Gordon Schanzlin New Vision Institute have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.
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